Check SSLR Revenue Maps Online | BBMP, Cadastral Map, Lake Survey/Digital (Land Maps Karnataka)

If you also want to check Karnataka’s SSLR revenue online? So you can check the land easily with the help of the Bhoomi RTC portal.

You can download this Revenue Maps service provider in a PDF file. If you do not know how to download SSLR – Revenue Maps Online and which ones can be downloaded with the help of Revenue Map, then we are telling you the list below.

Post NameSSLR Revenue Maps
PortalBhoomi RTC Online
WebsiteVisit Here
Maps TypeCadastral Map, BBMP, Lake (Digital), Lake(Survey), Survey Details

!!Important Link!!

Cadastral MapLake Map (Digital)
Lake Map (Survey)Know Survey Detail

Revenue Maps Online Privde (All Services)

  • Cadastral Map
  • BBMP
  • Lake(Digital)
  • Lake(Survey)
  • Survey Details
  • Other Services

How To Visit the Revenue Maps Page

You can easily access Cadastral Map, BBMP, Lake(Digital), Lake(Survey), Survey Details, and Other Services with the help of the Revenue Maps website.

For this, you will have to open the official website of Bhoomi Online’s revenue map. With the help of this, you can easily download any revenue by going to the revenue page.

Revenue Maps Page

Cadastral Map

To check the Cadastral Map, you have to first select your state. After this, select your District, Taluk, Hobli, and Map Types. Then after this, you have to enter the name of the village and click on the search button.

As per the option chosen by you, you will be seeing the list of villages. At the end of the list of this village, the option for a PDF file will be visible from which you can download the Cadastral Revenue Map by clicking on the download button.

Cadastral Map

As soon as you click on the link of the PDF download button, a page of images will open in front of you. You can keep safe with you by clicking both download and print.

check Cadastral Map


To check the BBMP Map, first of all, you come to the Revenue page, then after this, you have to select the BBMP Map option in the menu bar, and after that select the name of your ward.

After this, you will be able to see the list of all the villages falling under your ward. You can download this file by clicking on the link of the Download PDF button in front of the map next to your village.


When you download this file, the Google Earth file will open in front of you. Now you can import this file with the help of Google Earth. Or you can print it using the print button and take out a copy of it.

Check BBMP Map

Lake Map (Digital)

Now to check your Lake Map (Digital), first of all, you have to click on the name of your village and click on the search button.

So that the village-wise list will be visible on your screen as per the option selected. Now you will be able to download the file in Lake Digital with the help of the JPG file icon by clicking on the download button in front of it.

Lake Map (Digital)

When you download this jpg file with the help of the download button, then when you open the file, the detailed information of Lake Map (Digital) will be visible in front of you, which you can keep safe you.

Lake Map (Digital)

Lank Map (Survey)

Before downloading your Lank Map (Survey), first of all, you have to select the name of your village. The search button has to be clicked. So that all the lists related to your Lank Map (Survey) will be visible.

Now whatever district-wise map you want to download, you have to click on the button next to the jpg file option so that this map will be downloaded to your phone.

Lank Map (Survey)

When you download Lank Map (Survey) in Link, this file will open on your phone. So that you can easily see Lank Map (Survey) information.

check Lank Map (Survey)

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